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Meet our local experts!
Cloth Diapering

Evian Granitz is an avid cloth diapering, baby wearing, breastfeeding, co-sleeping mama. With a background in scientific research, she looks for evidence based methods to positively impact our little ones and the environment. She has helped several families get started on the fun and eco-friendly adventure of cloth diapers and is readily available to help new and expectant parents see just how easy and economical it can be! Evian is currently completing her masters degree at NYU in psychology with her thesis on breastfeeding and child development. 

Laura is a Southern girl, born and raised. As the oldest child in her family she was exposed to home birth, hospital birth, breastfeeding and infant care throughout her formative years and after her son was born she decided to train with DONA International to put those skills to work as a birth doula. She has additional training in massage and yoga to help laboring mothers by using movement and touch during their birth. She believes that families need to be heard throughout the birth process, as it is an important transition in your lives, but sometimes you need someone alongside you to help you believe that you can do it. She is proud to be raising her family in Hoboken and is passionate about serving the women of our truly special town.


Erin was inspired to become a Certified Lactation Counselor after she faced many struggles breastfeeding her first son. She received help and support from amazing lactation counselors and went on to have a beautiful long term breastfeeding relationship with both of her sons. She believes that all women can have a successful breastfeeding experience and that every family gets to decide on their own definition of success. Erin hopes to be able to empower parents with the knowledge and support to make the best decisions for their unique families. Her classes provide an evidence based approach to parenting in a judgment free zone.


Erin lives in uptown Hoboken with her two boys, Cameron (1) and Charlie (3), her husband David and their beagle Penny. She is also a Certified Babywearing Educator and loves helping new parents with breastfeeding, infant care, baby carriers and more. In addition to loving all things baby, Erin enjoys travel, photography and playing in the park with her boys.

Lactation Consultant, Baby Wearing & Baby Led- Weaning

Lesley Neadel lives in Hoboken with her husband and two daughters, Rebecca (5) and Lila (1). After suffering through postpartum depression and anxiety after Rebecca was born, Lesley became a peer advocate and educator on perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, sharing her experiences and knowledge with as many audiences as possible to help raise awareness, and reduce the shame and stigma associated with these conditions. She is active in a nonprofit, Postpartum Progress, serving as the PR Chair on the Board of Directors and as the Northern NJ Warrior Mom Ambassador. She also founded PregoPals (, a maternity mentoring community that ensures no woman goes through pregnancy or the postpartum period alone by matching pregnant women up with someone due just before them, at the same time, and eventually just after them, ensuring they pay forward the wisdom that they gather during pregnancy

Postpartum Mental Health

Holly Flanders is a childcare consultant that teaches parents the best practices to find, hire, and maintain a quality daycare, nanny, or nanny-share. Holly has professional experience as a nanny, director of children’s programming, a parent coach, nanny trainer, and as a director and head teacher at an early childhood learning center. This rare blend of experiences has inspired Holly to create Choice Parenting to help parents navigate childcare and have the support and information needed to confidently find the best suited caregiver for their unique family. You can learn more about Holly at

Child Care Consulting
Child Sleep Consultant

Cassie Mascari MS CCC-SLP, is a speech-language pathologist and the co-founder of Little Hoboken, a lifestyle blog for Hoboken moms & families. For almost 10 years, Cassie has been working with children specializing in feeding & swallowing, early childhood language development, speech disorders, social skills and behavior. Throughout her career, she has focused on helping families figure out what works best for each individual child and works to include the entire family in the therapy process. Taking a feeding workshop with Cassie will leave you feeling rejuvenated and excited for meal times. You will walk away with a better understanding of meal time expectations, how to manage picky eaters, and tons of ideas to help your child find their own mealtime success. As one adorable client says, “Cassie has the superpower to help kids eat new foods!”


Cassie is a Jersey wife living the city life with her husband JJ, daughter Eliza and yorkie Ruby. You can learn more about Cassie, her family, and her love of Hoboken by following Little Hoboken

Feeding Specialist & Speech Pathology
Studio Locations:                                P: 201-685-0944
163 4th Street, Hoboken     
450 7th Street, Hoboken
187 Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood
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